Thursday 17 August 2017

My Personal Interest


Good morning/afternoon/evening/night to anyone who are reading this.

Today, I want to talk about one of my personal interest which is COLLECTING & BUYING STATIONARIES! I have been loving cute and pretty stationaries since I was little. Sometimes I wish I'm rich so I can buy all the stuffs that I want HAHAHAH lol.

Anyway,below are a few examples :

                     CREDIT TO THE OWNERS > _ <

That's all for today, thank you for reading.

Have a nice day !

Matriculation Life

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night to anyone who are reading this.

Today, I want to write about my life at matriculation collage for now. SO FAR IT HAS BEEN SO STRESSFUL, TIRING AND MANY MORE. BUT!  I met new friends, become more independent, living a new life style and lots more. So, it's not that bad actually although sometimes I wonder why I choose this path lol. Hopefully I will make it through out my life here ( 2 semesters ) and I am still alive by the time I finished.

That's all for today, thank you for reading.

Have a nice day !

Music is L O V E  &  L I V E

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night to anyone who are reading this.

"Music is L O V E  &  L I V E". What do you think the meaning of it? For me, it's as it says, music is love and life. Why? Because personally music is my everything. Since I was little, my love for music has been noticed by my mother. She said that when I was little, I love singing and dancing to Bollywood's music and I even memorized many songs from Bollywood's movies that I watched. Later, I liked pop music especially by American musician such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and so on. But ever since I was 11 or 12, I fell in love with K-Pop ( Korean Pop ) until now. It had been almost 7 years since I became a K-Pop fan and I have never been much happier. K-Pop make me feels like I'm riding a roller coaster of emotions because once in a while I can feels sad, happy, angry and etc at the same time. Also, K-Pop always there for me when everyone left me alone. K-Pop helped me overcome my stress that I felt during my secondary school ( the stress from PT3, SPM, homework, friends, and more ). I really HATE it when people are judging us ( K-Pop fans ) without even trying to know the 'real' us. These kind of people just hate ANYTHING related to K-Pop or Korean or Korea. I always feel like 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!?!'. But even with all their hates, my love for K-Pop will keep going on.

That's all for today, thank you for reading.

Have a nice day !

Me, Myself & I

Good morning/evening/night to anyone who are reading this 

Today I would like to talk about . . . . . . ME ! 

Since I was born, my life have been like riding a roller coaster. I had my happy moments & sad as well. I’m sure others also experience this since it’s a normal thing that all human went through. I have many secret that nobody can’t even imagine. I went through life experiences that no one would like to try out. But it’s what makes who I am today.

So, I was born on 21st September 1999 at 8.32 P.M. in Hospital Batu Pahat , Johor. I’m the only child in my family. Actually, my mom had a few miscarriage before she got me. So I was the ‘miracle child’ of my family since both my parents had to work extra hard in order to conceive me. When I was little, my grandmother raised and cared for me since my parents are busy working in order to raise me. My favourite food that my grandmother cooks is ‘Nasi, kicap & telur goreng’ . Even though it’s such a simple food to cook but I still love it until today because it reminded me of how much care my grandmother put into making it because I’m a picky eater ever since I was little. Anyway, rice + soy sauce + fried egg is THE BEST COMBINATION EVERRRRR! Anyway,back to the story~ I was 3 years old when I moved to Chukai Kemaman, Terengganu. At first, I didn’t understand much what they are talking about since they were talking in an accent but later I can understand them and even excel in speaking in their accent.

My mom said that I was so eager to go to school that my mom had to enrolled me into preschool when I was 4. From 7 years old until 12 years old, I was a student at primary school called Sekolah Kebangsaan Pusat. My UPSR result is 5A's. Then, from 13 years old until 17 years old, my secondary school is Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Chukai. Like any other teenagers, I went through a lots of thing. To summarize it, I went through the difficult time of being like a bully victim but not really~ and then my senior year, luckily no more 'bad experiences' and I just went through life like I have always had and for my PT3, I got 6A's and my SPM results is 5A's  Haha, actually I'm not the type of student that are TOO SMART or TOO STUPID or whatsoever. I'm just a normal(?) student with normal exams result and not so normal life lol. ANNNDDDDD here I'm , at 18 years old in another state far away from my home, alone, stressed haha and more. Now I'm continuing my studies at  Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor ( Selangor Matriculation Collage ) in Science course so that HOPEFULLY I can continue my degree in Degree of Veterinary Medicine. So yeah, I wish to become a veterinarian huhuhu ~ WISH ME LUCK!

That's all for today, thank you for reading.

Have a nice day !

A soon to be Veterinarian

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night to anyone who are reading this.

'A soon to be Veterinarian'. What came to your mind when you read the sentence? Haha, okay I will tell you what it really means. The meaning of it is I 'might' become a Veterinarian once I finished my degree in Degree of Veterinary Medicine. BUT! Before that, I need to finish my studies at Selangor Matriculation Collage, Banting first and then I will continue my degree at Universiti Putra Malaysia ( UPM ), Serdang. How can I achieve my dream? Obviously,  I need to study TRIPLE HARDER ( which I'm still trying to ) & get EXCELLENT CGPA ( 3.80 - 4.00 ). So hopefully my wish of becoming a Veterinarian will be granted. Good luck to all of you who are reading this and I pray that all of us can achieve our ultimate dream.

That's all for today, thank you for reading.

Have a nice day !

Friday 4 August 2017

Computer Science : Mind Map / Thinking Map( iThink )

What is Mind Map ?
A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information.

What is Thinking Map ?
Thinking Map are a set of graphic organizer techniques used in primary and secondary education.


Computer Science : Brochure

What is Computer Science ?
Computer science is the study of  the theory, experimentation and engineering that form the basic for the design and use of computers.

What do I learn in Matriculation Syllabus of Computer Science?
  • Chapter 2 : COMPUTER SYSTEM
  • Chapter 6 : DATABASE
  • Chapter 8 : PROGRAMMING 
